Businesses do things. They serve customers, compete with their peers, execute strategies, and at the core of business – is people. Why people? Businesse
s need people to perform the essential task to keep business running. Is this a problem? It depends on three things.
Timing – if people are central to you achieving your current business goals, then you likely face challenges executing your strategy today. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics there are around 6 million job candidates1 and around 12 million job openings2. This is a fascinating stat, there are two job openings for every job candidate.
How much have your peers automated – the size of the Robotic Process Automation (“RPA”) market is $2.65 billion3, first quarter 2022 U.S. GDP is $24.39 trillion4. In rough terms 0.003% of the U.S. is leveraging Robotics Process Automation. So, there is a good chance your competition is not the first to adopt RPA technology and you can enjoy first mover advantage and get in front of the competition.
How much have you automated – the benefits of process automation are more valuable today than ever before. One key benefit is process automation lowers your business’s dependency on the volatile and expensive labor market. Your business can execute the same task at a more affordable cost without manual errors or down time.
We like working with good people. If you would like to learn how ZD3 Group can help your business thrive in tight labor markets, please contact us today. We can automate the little things so you can focus on the big picture.
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